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41) Turco T, Voirin L, Attia J, Beninati V, Higgs DM, Cagnant M, Médoc V (2025) Acoustic playback is better than food to trap one of the worst invasive fishes. Journal of Environmental Management 373, 123555.

40) Turco T, Casole P, Saint Marcoux D, Romero-Ramirez A, Beauchaud M, Guillard J, Maire O, Médoc V (2025) Motorboat noise increases aggregation and alters gaping and filtration behaviors in the invasive quagga mussel. Biological Invasions 27, 15.

39) Minier L, Bertucci F, Gay T, Chamot Z, Turco T, Schligler J, Mills SC, Manuel Vidalf, Parmentier E, Sturny V, Mathevon N, Beauchaud M, Lecchini D, Médoc V (2024) Behavioural response to boat noise weakens the strength of a trophic link in coral reefs. Environmental Pollution 124770.

38) Challéat S, Farrugia N, Froidevaux J, Gasc A, ..., Médoc V, ..., & Zina V (2024) A dataset of acoustic measurements from soundscapes collected worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. Scientific Data 11(1), 928.

37) Prosnier L, Loeuille N, Hulot FD, Renault D, Piscart C, Bicocchi B, Deparis M, Lam M & Médoc V (2024) Parasites make hosts more profitable but less available to predators. Peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecology, Published in Oikos e10469.

36) Rojas E, Gouret M, Agostini S, Fiorini S, Fonseca P, Lacroix G & Médoc V (2023) From behaviour to complex communities: Resilience to anthropogenic noise in a fish-induced trophic cascade. Environmental Pollution 335, 122371.

35) Fernandez-Declerck M, Rojas E, Prosnier L, Teulier L, Dechaume-Moncharmont FX, Boyer N & Médoc V (2023) Adding insult to injury: anthropogenic noise intensifies predation risk by an invasive freshwater fish species. Biological Invasions 25: 2775–2785.

34) Prosnier L, Rojas E & Médoc V (2023) No evidence for an effect of chronic boat noise on the fitness of reared water fleas. In: (eds Popper et al.) "The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations"(pp. 1-15). Cham: Springer International Publishing. Peer-reviewed and recommended by Peer Community in Ecotoxicology and Environmental Chemistry.

33) Rojas E, Desjonquères C, Agostini S, Fiorini S, Decencière B, Danger M, Felten V & Médoc V (2023) Response of freshwater zooplankton communities to chronic anthropogenic noise. In: (eds Popper et al.) "The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life: Principles and Practical Considerations". (pp. 1-17). Cham: Springer International Publishing.

32) Rojas E, Prosnier L, Pradeau A, Boyer N & Médoc V (2023) Anthropogenic noise does not strengthen multiple predator effects in a freshwater invasive fish. Journal of Fish Biology 102: 1470-1480.

31) Coughlan NE, Dickey JWE, Dick JT, Médoc V, McCard M, Lacroix G, Fiorini S, Millot A & Cuthbert RN (2022) When worlds collide: Invader-driven benthic habitat complexity alters predatory impacts of invasive and native predatory fishes. Science of the Total Environment 843, 156876.

30) Dickey JW, Coughlan NE, Dick JT, Médoc V, McCard M, Leavitt PR, Lacroix G, Fiorini S, Millot A & Cuthbert

 RN (2021) Breathing space: deoxygenation of aquatic environments can drive differential ecological impacts across biological invasion stages. Biological Invasions 23: 2831-2837.

29) Rojas E, Thévenin S, Montes G, Boyer N & Médoc V (2021) From distraction to habituation: Ecological and behavioural responses of invasive fish to anthropogenic noise. Freshwater Biology 66: 1606-1618.

28) Molbert N, Alliot F, Médoc V, Biard C, Meylan S, Jacquin L, Santos R & Goutte A (2020) Potential benefits of acanthocephalan parasites for chub hosts in polluted environments. Environmental Science and Technology 54: 5540–5549.

27) Hanache P, Spataro T, Firmat C, Boyer N, Fonseca P & Médoc V (2020) Noise-induced reduction in the attack rate of a planktivorous freshwater fish revealed by functional response analysis. Freshwater Biology 65: 75-85.

26) Boets P, Laverty C, Fukuda S, Verreycken H, Britton RJ, Caffrey J. Goethals PLM, Pegg J, Médoc V & Dick JTA (2019) Intra- and Intercontinental variation in the functional responses of a high impact alien invasive fish. Biological Invasions 21: 1751-1762.

25) Prosnier L, Médoc V & Loeuille N (2018) Parasitism effects on coexistence and stability within simple trophic networks. Journal of Theoretical Biology 458: 68-77.

24) Médoc V, Thuillier L & Spataro T (2018) Opportunistic omnivory impairs our ability to predict invasive species impacts from functional response comparisons. Biological Invasions 20: 1307-1319.

23) Iltis C, Spataro T & Médoc V (2018) Parasitism may alter functional response comparisons: a case study on the killer shrimp Dikerogammarus villosus and two non-invasive gammarids. Biological Invasions 20: 619-632.

22) Laverty C, Green KD, Dick JTA, Barrios-O’Neill D, Mensink PJ, Médoc V, Spataro T, Caffrey JM, Lucy FE, Boets P, Britton JR, Pegg J & Gallagher C (2017) Assessing the ecological impacts of invasive species based on their functional responses an abundances. Biological Invasions 19: 1653-1665.


21) Médoc V, Firmat C, Sheath DJ, Pegg J, Andreou D & Britton JR (2017) Parasites and biological invasions: predicting ecological alterations at levels from individual hosts to whole networks. Advances in Ecological Research 57: 1-54.


20) Dick JTA, Laverty C, Lennon JJ, Barrios-O’Neill D, Mensink PJ, Britton JR, Médoc V, Boets P, Alexander ME, Taylor NG, Dunn AM, Hatcher MJ, Rosewarne PJ, Crookes S, MacIsaac HJ, Xu M, Ricciardi A, Wasserman RJ, Ellender BR, Weyl OLF, Lucy FE, Banks PB, Dodd JA, MacNeil C, Penk MR, Aldridge DC & Caffrey J (2017) Invader relative impact potential: a new metric to understand and predict the ecological impacts of existing, emerging and future invasive alien species. Journal of Applied Ecology 54: 1259-1267.

19) Pellan L, Médoc V, Renault D, Spataro T & Piscart C (2016) Feeding choice and predation pressure of two invasive gammarids, Gammarus tigrinus and Dikerogammarus villosus, under increasing temperature. Hydrobiologia 781: 43-54.

18) Médoc V, Albert H & Spataro T (2015) Functional response comparisons among freshwater amphipods: ratio-dependence and higher predation for Gammarus pulex compared to the non-natives Dikerogammarus villosus and Echinogammarus berilloni. Biological Invasions 17: 3625-3637. 


17) Médoc V & Spataro T (2015) Predicting the impact of invasive species: a look forward of the comparative functional response approach. Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie) 70, suppt 12 « Espèces invasives »: 114-126. 


16) Jacquin L, Mori Q, Pausé M, Steffen M & Médoc V (2014) Non-specific manipulation of gammarid behaviour by P. minutus parasite enhances their predation by definitive bird hosts. PloS one 9, e101684.


15) Jacquin L, Mori Q & Médoc V (2013) Does the carotenoid-based colouration of Polymorphus minutus facilitate its trophic transmission to definitive hosts? Parasitology 140: 1310-1315.


14) Médoc V, Spataro T & Arditi R (2013) Prey:predator ratio dependence in the functional response of a freshwater amphipod. Freshwater Biology 58: 858-865.


13) Durieux R, Rigaud T & Médoc V (2012) Parasite-induced suppression of aggregation under predation risk in a freshwater amphipod. Behavioural Processes 91: 207-213.


12) Médoc V, Rigaud T, Motreuil S, Perrot-Minnot M-J & Bollache L (2011) Paratenic hosts as regular transmission route in the acanthocephalan Pomphorhynchus laevis: potential implications for food webs. Naturwissenschaften 98: 825-835.


11) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2011) When trophically-transmitted parasites combine predation enhancement with predation suppression to optimize their transmission. Oikos 120: 1452-1458. Faculty of 1000.


10) Médoc V, Piscart C, Maazouzi C, Simon L & Beisel J-N (2011) Parasite-induced changes in the diet of a freshwater amphipod: field and laboratory evidence. Parasitology 138: 537-546.


9) Maazouzi C, Médoc V, Pihan J-C & Masson G (2011) Size-related dietary changes observed in young-of-the-year pumpkinseed (Lepomis gibbosus): stomach contents and fatty-acid analyses. Aquatic Ecology 45: 23-33.

8) Beisel J-N & Médoc V (2010) Bird and amphipod parasites illustrate a gradient from adaptation to exaptation in complex life cycle. Ethology Ecology & Evolution 22: 265-270. 


7) Cézilly F, Thomas F, Médoc V & Perrot-Minnot M-J (2010) Host manipulation by parasites with complex life cycles: adaptive or not? Trends in Parasitology 26: 311-317. 


6) Sornom P, Felten V, Médoc V, Sroda S, Rousselle P & Beisel J-N (2010) Effect of gender on physiological and behavioural responses of Gammarus roeseli (Crustacea Amphipoda) to salinity and temperature. Environmental Pollution 158: 1288-1295.


5) Médoc V, Bollache L & Beisel J-N (2009) Etablissement d’une liste d’invertébrés susceptibles d’envahir les hydosystèmes français : une mesure préventive dans le contexte des invasions biologiques. Bourgogne Nature 9/10: 134-139.


4) Médoc V, Rigaud T, Bollache L & Beisel J-N (2009) A manipulative parasite increasing an antipredatory response decreases its vulnerability to a nonhost predator. Animal Behaviour 77: 1235-1241.


3) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2009) Field evidence for non-host predator avoidance in a manipulated amphipod. Naturwissenschaften 96: 513-523. 


2) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2008) A parasite boosts the escape performances of its intermediate host facing non-host predators. Parasitology 135: 1-8. 


1) Médoc V, Bollache L & Beisel J-N (2006) Host manipulation of a freshwater crustacean (Gammarus roeseli) by an acanthocephalan parasite (Polymorphus minutus) in a biological invasion context. International Journal for Parasitology 36: 1351-1358.


Oral communications

33) Turco T, Vieira M, Jacquet S, Guillard J, Cachera S, Beauchaud M & Médoc V  (2024) From sky to underwater: Can passive acoustic monitoring substitute to aerial tracking to quantify human use of inland waters? 5th Congress of the International Society of Ecoacoustics. Madrid, Spain.

32) Voirin L, Turco T, Attia J, Higgs DM, Cagnant M & Médoc V (2024) Test of acoustic trapping as a cost-effective method to mitigate round goby (Neogobius melanostomus) early invasion. 23th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Halifax, Canada.

31) Dickey JWE, Coughlan NE, Dick JTA, Médoc V, McCard M, Peter R. Leavitt PR, Lacroix G, Fiorini S,  Millot A & Ross N. Cuthbert RN (2022) Deoxygenation may drive differential ecological impacts over invasion stages. 22th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Oostende, Belgium.

30) Rojas E, Gouret E, Agostini S, Fiorini S, Lacroix G & Médoc V (2021) Fish response to anthropogenic noise does not alter trophic cascade along a freshwater food chain. The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life conference. Berlin, Germany.

29) Prosnier L, Loeuille N, Hulot F, Renault D, Piscart C, Lam M & Médoc V (2021) Prey and predator behaviors are both affected by the prey infection. Virtual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. USA

28) Rojas E, Gouret M, Agostini S, Lacroix G, Fonseca P & Médoc V (2021) Do individual responses to anthropogenic noise spread throughout the community scale? Virtual Conference of the Animal Behavior Society. USA

27) Prosnier L, Hulot F, Renault D, Piscart C, Bicocchi B, Lam M, Médoc V & Loeuille N (2021). Prey infection alters predator diet. École de printemps de la chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité. Aussois, France.

26) Médoc V, Rojas E, Thévenin S & Boyer N (2019) Acoustic stress tolerance in native and invasive fish species. XXVII International Bioacoustics Congress of the International Bioacoustics Council. Brighton, UK.

25) Rojas E & Médoc V (2019) Caractérisation de la tolérance au bruit anthropogénique d’espèces invasives d’eau douce. Colloque de la Société Française pour l’Etude du Comportement Animal. Lille, France.

24) Médoc V, Spataro T, Rojas E & Thevenin S (2019) Assessing the ecological impact of anthropogenic noise from functional response analysis: a case study with freshwater fish. The Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life conference. Den Haag, The Netherlands.

23) Médoc V, Sèbe F, Rybak F, Sueur J & Mathevon N (2018) From behaviour to food webs: scaling up the ecological impact of noise. Congress of the International Society of Ecoacoustics. Brisbane, Australia.

22) Prosnier L, Loeuille N, Hulot F, Renault D, Piscart C, Bicocchi B, Bricout L, Lam M & Médoc V (2018) Parasites affect their hosts through many ways. International Conference on Ecological Sciences (SFEcologie). Rennes, France.

21) Prosnier L, Loeuille N & Médoc V (2018) Parasites affect their hosts through many ways: virulence, vulnerability, behavior and energy. The 5th Young Natural History scientists’ Meeting. Paris, France.

20) Médoc V, Iltis C & Spataro T (2016) Parasite-induced difference in functional response between invasive species and native freshwater amphipods. International Conference on Ecological Sciences (SFEcologie). Marseille, France.

19) Prosnier L, Médoc V & Loeuille N (2016). Prey parasitism affects predator-prey dynamics and the evolution of predator foraging. International Conference on Ecological Sciences (SFEcologie). Marseille, France.

18) Prosnier L, Médoc V & Loeuille N (2016). Parasites affect the ecological coexistence and stability of predator-prey species, as well as the evolution of predator foraging. The 3rd Young Natural History scientists’ Meeting. Paris, France.

17) Prosnier L, Médoc V & Loeuille N (2016). Le parasitisme de la proie affecte les dynamiques proies-prédateur et l'évolution du régime du prédateur. École de printemps de la chaire Modélisation Mathématique et Biodiversité. Aussois, France

16) Médoc V & Spataro T (2014) Modelling predation to predict the impact of invasive species: a look forward on the comparative functional response approach. 9th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Genève, Switzerland.

15) Médoc V & Spataro T (2014) Modelling predation to predict the impact of invasive species. Journées de lancement du GdR Invasions Biologiques. Rennes, France.

14) Jacquin L, Mori Q & Médoc V (2012) Influence of the biotic context on the manipulation of host behavior by Polymorphus minutus. 37e congrès de la Société Québécoise pour l‘Etude Biologique du Comportement. Montréal, Canada.

13) Médoc V (2012) Les amphipodes d’eau douce et leurs interactions. Journée scientifique de la Société Zoologique de France. Paris. France.

12) Médoc V, Rigaud T & Bollache L (2010) How exotic hosts may affect the dynamic of local freshwater parasites? Journées Internationales de Limnologie. Thonon-les-Bains, France.

11) Médoc V, Rigaud T & Bollache L (2009) The role of minnows in the trophic transmission of the manipulative parasite Pomphorhynchus laevis? 6th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Sinaia, Romania.

10) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2009) The swimming performance in native and exotic amphipods as a part of their anti-predator strategy. 16th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Montréal, Canada.

9) Médoc V (2009) Parasites as mediators of biotic interactions within a lotic ecosystem subjected to biological invasions. The case of infection by the acanthocephalan Polymorphus minutus in the amphipod Gammarus roeseli. Journées Internationales de Limnologie. Luxembourg City, Luxembourg.

8) Médoc V, Moreteau J-C & Beisel J-N (2008) Parasitism and biotic interactions: The cost of infection goes beyond the individual level. 20th International Congress of Zoology. Paris, France.

7) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2008) The role of non-host predator avoidance in parasitic strategies. 4th European Conference on Behavioural Biology. Dijon, France.

6) Médoc V & Bollache L (2008) Les gammares : Etat des lieux et Intérêts scientifiques. 4e Rencontres Bourgogne Faune Sauvage. Saint - Brisson, France.

5) Médoc V & Beisel J-N (2007) Parasitism and biological invasion: How manipulator parasites could promote a gammarid species replacement? 15th International Conference on Aquatic Invasive Species. Nijmegen, The Netherlands.

4) Maazouzi C, Médoc V, Masson G, Izquierdo MS & Pihan J-C (2007) Lipid and fatty composition of young-of-the-year pumpkinseed sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus): ontogenetic variation and essential fatty acid requirements. 30th Congress of the International Association of Theoretical and Applied Limnology. Montréal, Canada.

3) Beisel J-N & Médoc V (2007) Host manipulation by an acanthocephalan parasite (Polymorphus minutus): escape performance of an intermediate host (Gammarus roeseli) against non-host predators. 5th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Palerme, Italy.

2) Médoc V, Beisel J-N, Bollache L & Rigaud T (2007) Manipulations comportementale et devenir des espèces en interactions dans un écosystème receveur. 50e Congrès de l’Association Française de Limnologie. Toulouse, France.

1) Beisel J-N, Devin S, Médoc V & Moreteau J-C (2005) Invasion of freshwater macroinvertebrates in Europe: the importance of biogeographical criteria. Biological invasions in inland waters, International Workshop. Florence, Italy.

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